What you see below is an email that Manhigut Yehudit sent to its membership.


Election Issue  
Volume 1 - July 11, 2007


Moshe Feiglin Bio:

Moshe Feiglin is the president of Manhigut Yehudit and a candidate for Chairman of the Likud party. He led the Zo Artzeinu  non-violent civil disobedience struggle against the Oslo Accords.  Moshe 
graduated from Or Etzion yeshiva, served as a captain in an IDF combat unit,  and is the author of the books Where There Are No Men and War of Dreams. Moshe and his family live in Karnei Shomron, Israel. 
Press Contacts
Tova Abadi,
media liaison
(917) 301-0997
Further contact information below.
Benjamin Netanyahu (10/22/06)
"Everything must be done to limit conflict with the Palestinians. We will take apart outposts that were not legally approved. After strengthening the security borders, there is no reason not to dilute the military presence in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank].... Arriving at a peace agreement requires concessions from both sides, including land concessions on our part.... We will be prepared to make serious compromises. We will not return to control the Palestinian population centers, and we have no intention to annex territories. As prime minister, I will work to renew final status negotiations. That is my first priority."
Moshe Feiglin
"I am looking for a unique state -- a vital, flourishing Jewish State. I want to settle Jews on every inch of land that falls into our hands. I want to establish an exemplary Jewish society that will be a moral model for the entire world -- a true ‘light unto the nations.’ ...I do not want A FALSE peace. I want to defeat our enemies, drive them from our Land and fulfill our Jewish destiny. TRUE peace will surely follow.” 


Only ONE Israeli Leader Speaks the Truth:

His Name is Moshe Feiglin

Please reprint this article with proper accredation:



Introduction to this Special Election Issue:

On August 14, 2007 an election with worldwide ramifications will be held in Israel.

The Likud Party will be holding it's election for Party Chairman. This Chairman will also be the candidate who will run for Prime Minister of Israel from the Likud at the next General Election, which will probably be held within months.

As all current polls are showing that the Likud will produce the next Prime Minister, in essence, this vote is to determine who the next Prime Minister of the State of Israel will be

There are only 2 candidates vying for this position - Moshe Feiglin and Benjamin Netanyahu, and they have wildly differing viewpoints. 

Mr. Feiglin wishes to create a strong, proud Jewish State which will militarily crush its enemies (who are also the enemies of the United States and of all freedom-loving peoples). He believes that after this is done, then true peace will surely follow.

On the other hand, Mr. Netanyahu wishes to create yet another terrorist state inside the Land of Israel by funding and arming it himself, and even by bringing enemy soldiers into Israel to ostensibly protect Jews but who will actually be protecting the so-called "palestinian moderates." These policies of pursuing the false peace of the Oslo Accords have been proven to bring nothing but death and destruction to Jews and to raise the confidence of the terrorists worldwide.

This article below takes an in-depth look into whether or not these "moderates" are truly moderate, and at the first Israeli leader to speak the truth about them.

Introduction to this Article:

The following article, reprinted from the Historical and Investigative Research website, outlines how the so-called "moderate" Palestinians, led by Mahmoud Abbas, have deep Nazi roots which have never been cut.

The article's author, Professor Francisco Gil-White then wonders why all of the Israeli leaders of the last 25 years have refused to state this fact, and have insisted on making concessions to these descendants of Nazis who are still bent on finishing Hitler's genocidal plan for the Jews.

Professor Gil-White then describes the first Israeli leader he has found who has the simple courage to speak the truth about these so-called moderates.

Moshe Feiglin is that man.

Mr. Feiglin is currently running for the Chairmanship of the Likud party against Benjamin Netanyahu (who supports helping Abbas create another Nazi-like terrorist state inside Israel).

How can any Israeli leader support these latter-day Nazis?  What is Netanyahu actually thinking? 

The upcoming August 14, 2007 election will decide who will run for Prime Minister of Israel from the currently-favored Likud party.

As there has been proven to be a direct correlation between Israel giving land to the Arabs and more Jews being murdered in terror attacks,  this election may truly be an issue of Life and Death for millions of Israeli Jews and for potential terror victims worldwide.


Leaders Lied, Jews died.

Why have Israeli leaders been lying to their fellow citizens
about the Fatah/PLO?

Historical and Investigative Research - 10 July 2007
by Francisco Gil-White

(with the editorial assistance of Ted Belman)


Short Preface


Israeli leaders and media are bombarding Israelis with the argument that the Oslo process which has brought them so much violence should continue, and that the Western, Israeli, and Arab governments should all strengthen Al Fatah (i.e. the PLO) because Fatah are the ‘moderates’ whereas Hamas, which has taken over Gaza, are the ‘real extremists.’


We’ve heard this argument before. Right after the Oslo ‘peace’ process brought Al Fatah to be the government over the West Bank and Gaza Arabs, violence against innocent Jews in Israel increased swiftly and dramatically. The violence was usually blamed exclusively on ‘rival’ organization Hamas, though it was always obvious that supposedly ‘moderate’ Fatah chief Yasser Arafat was either not interfering with it, or else fomenting it, or else adding (considerable) Fatah violence to the mix. But no matter. Israeli leaders repeatedly told the Israeli citizenry that it was imperative always to give more power to Fatah/PLO so that Hamas -- the ‘real extremists’ -- could be defeated and the ‘peace’ process saved. As Kenneth Levin puts it, “the more terror, the more the [Israeli] government urged a speeding of the ‘peace process.’”[1] The current resurrection of the ‘support Fatah against Hamas’ argument in the context of the recent Hamas vs. Fatah ‘fight,’ as HIR showed in our previous piece, is more of the same, and equally phony.[2]


This much duplicity by Israeli leaders in favor of Al Fatah reveals that defending Al Fatah is really quite important to them. It was the Israeli government, after all, that brought this antisemitic, terrorist organization into the Jewish state, even though, at the time, Al Fatah had already been defeated, and languished far away, in Tunisian exile. So the Israeli government revived Al Fatah. But that’s nothing. In order to bring Al Fatah into the Jewish state, Israeli leaders concealed from the Israeli public that Al Fatah was spawned by the leadership of the German Nazi Final Solution.


This latter point is the most important issue.


After explaining what Israeli leaders said to ordinary Israelis in order to bring Fatah/PLO into the Jewish state, and explaining also what they failed to say about Fatah/PLO origins, I will point out that there is a significant new development in Israeli politics. For the first time, an Israeli leader -- and not just anybody but the second place in the race to be the next Likud candidate, which race will be decided 14 August 2007 -- is saying it in public and in so many words: Al Fatah was spawned by the leadership of the German Nazi Final Solution. [emphasis added]

How Israeli leaders defended the Oslo process (with lies)



In 1982 Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, from the Israeli Likud party, largely defeated Al Fatah. Terrorism from Fatah bases in southern Lebanon had become intolerable, so Begin launched an invasion of Lebanon that put an end to Fatah’s presence there. But this terrorist group was saved from total obliteration by a vigorous US intervention on its behalf, after which it got a US (and French) military escort to its new base in Tunis.[3]


A few years after that, in 1987-88, Israelis were treated to the First Intifada, a series of violent riots (including attacks against Jewish civilians) in the disputed territories of West Bank and Gaza. These are territories acquired by Israel in 1967 when the Arab states -- having lost the genocidal war that they proudly launched -- refused to take these territories back even though a victorious Israel was offering them in return for nothing more than a promise of peace.[4] The First Intifada violence of 1987-88 began on ‘Fatah Day’ to celebrate the founding of the organization that, from Tunis, was pulling the strings.


The Fatah-organized and Fatah-orchestrated violence of the First Intifada was represented by the Western governments and media as a series of ‘spontaneous’ and ‘non-violent’ ‘demonstrations’ to protest the oppression that West Bank and Gaza Arabs were supposedly subject to.[5] This story destroyed Israel’s international prestige. Against the background of international media and United Nations posturing that Israel owed something to the ‘suffering Palestinians,’ Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir (Likud), under heavy US pressure, attended the Madrid ‘peace’ talks in 1991 that became the platform for the so-called Oslo ‘peace’ process, whose great architect would be Labor Party leader Shimon Peres (now serving as President of Israel).[6]


Soon after, Peres, together with then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin -- the latter elected on his solemn campaign promise not to negotiate with Fatah[7] -- worked hard to convince ordinary Israelis that they should negotiate with Fatah because this organization had supposedly changed and genuinely wanted peace; the US government, along with the Western and Israeli media, loudly endorsed and reiterated this representation. The premise of Oslo was that, in exchange for letting Fatah/PLO into the Jewish state and giving it power over the Arab population in the disputed territories, there would be no more proud genocidal wars against the Jewish state, and no more terrorism.[8]


This point is crucial: without such commitments, hardly any Israelis would have agreed to Oslo.


Rabin had promised “a time without worries, nights without anxiety, the end of death,” and Peres had added: “The [Oslo] agreement has inaugurated a new, violence-free era.”[9] Whoops. Arab terrorist violence against innocent Israelis immediately quintupled after Al Fatah installed itself as the government over the West Bank and Gaza Arabs in 1994.[10] There was a “wave of terrorist attacks” right before Arafat, Peres, and Rabin were to receive their Nobel peace prizes, but no matter: the Israeli government pushed forward with a troop withdrawal from various areas that left many Israeli Jews at the mercy of Arafat’s new ‘government.’[11]


Rabin and Peres had promised that, should violence not cease, they would immediately terminate the Oslo process and expel the Fatah/PLO, but now they insisted that increased violence was a natural consequence (!) of their ‘peace’ process and represented their retreat on their earlier promises as a stubborn and virtuous courage: “RABIN VOWS NEVER TO ABANDON THE PEACE PROCESS DESPITE TERROR ATTACKS,” explained one headline immediately after Rabin collected his Nobel ‘peace’ prize.[12]


As the violence kept on rising, Labor leaders congratulated themselves on their wisdom. “People always asked, ‘Can you trust Arafat?’ It emerges that he can be trusted,” Shimon Peres cheerily pronounced in April 1996, when he pretended to believe that the PLO had amended its Covenant or Charter to erase its constitutional commitment to destroy Israel (something the PLO in fact never did, though the Western and Israeli media loudly claimed that it had).[13] A few years later, from the considerably improved strategic position that Peres had secured for him, ‘trusty’ Yasser Arafat unleashed on ordinary Israelis the much bloodier Second Intifada. But Peres stood fast by the Fatah chief: “Shimon Peres yesterday launched a staunch defense of the man most Israelis believe is orchestrating continuing violence: Mr Yasser Arafat,” the Irish Times reported in October 2001. And yet Peres “shared Mr [Ariel] Sharon’s assertion that Mr Arafat was sanctioning terrorism.”[14] In other words, though Shimon Peres was agreeing that the very premise of his own Oslo logic had been violated, his support for Al Fatah and Oslo remained “staunch.” Other Labor Party leaders likewise stood by Arafat and Al Fatah.


The main rival party in Israel has been Likud, whose leaders had been spewing rhetorical fire against Fatah/PLO and the Oslo Accords. For example, way back in October 1985, when pre-Oslo stirrings were making themselves heard, Benjamin Netanyahu accused in a New York Times editorial that “the destruction of Israel remains the PLO’s unchanging goal.” Netanyahu further accused that all this ‘peace’ noise that the PLO was increasingly making (with which Shimon Peres would eventually sell Oslo to the Israelis) was a phony: “As recently as May,” Netanyahu pointed out,

“Abu Nazir, a leader of al Fatah, said: ‘When we demand the establishment of a Palestinian state, or even a Jordan-PLO confederation, this is a strategy leading to the establishment of a state over all of Palestine. The ‘phased policy’ provides us with a springboard towards further goals.’”[15]

This was a reference to Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas’s ‘Plan of Phases,’ which specified that Al Fatah would announce limited goals, such as a ‘Palestinian state’ in the disputed territories, so that it could build a platform from which to pursue “its ultimate goal of Israel’s annihilation” (a policy put dramatically into effect in the Second Intifada).[16]


Netanyahu’s bluster got him elected prime minister in the mid-1990s when the Israelis, fed up with the increased violence, voted for his anti-Oslo platform. But as soon as the votes were in and counted Netanyahu changed his tune:


“The Palestinians will soon declare an independent state and no one can stop them, Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat said yesterday. ...In keeping with Netanyahu’s post-election moderate tone, with which he seeks to reassure people at home and abroad of his commitment to the [Oslo] peace process, his statement did not denounce Arafat’s remarks but rather said the premier-elect ‘sees things differently’ from Arafat on final status talks.”[17]


That was June 1996, but Netanyahu was moving fast. By July, as reported in the New York Times, “Mr. Netanyahu...has said that he would abide by the accords with the Palestinians if they do, and would consider meeting Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, if necessary.” The same NYT article reported the contrary statements of his fellow Likud leader Ariel Sharon: “Mr. [Ariel] Sharon has condemned the agreements as ‘terrible and dangerous’ and calls Mr. Arafat a terrorist and war criminal.”[18] Netanyahu went on to push the Oslo process even faster than his Labor predecessors.[19] All the while, Ariel Sharon complained bitterly, and loudly denounced what was happening.


But then, in June 1997, the Jerusalem Post reported that


“...Sharon met secretly with Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat’s deputy, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), two weeks ago. The fact of the meeting was leaked over the weekend, sending shock waves through right-wing circles. Until now, Sharon, the architect of Israel’s 1982 war against the PLO in Lebanon, has not softened his rejection of the PLO, calling it a terrorist organization and Arafat himself a ‘war criminal.’”[20]


This was a harbinger of things to come. Though Ariel Sharon would later be elected by the Israelis on a loud anti-Oslo platform, like Netanyahu he transformed himself once in office, and in fact pushed beyond the Oslo process faster and harder than his Labor predecessor Ehud Barak (now Defense Minister), whose pro-Oslo enthusiasm was in fact quite difficult to top.[21] Ariel Sharon used the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to cleanse the Jewish population of the Gaza Strip and gave this territory, in exchange for nothing, to the Fatah terrorists, following which Gaza quickly became a fully fledged Fatah/Hamas terrorist outpost, intended (and used) to increase the lethality of attacks on Israelis. Fatah killings continued, but “Sharon spokesman Raanan Gissin said: ‘Contrary to Arafat, Abu Mazen is against terrorist activity...’”[22] Arafat had never wanted peace, everybody now conceded, but Arafat’s lifelong ally, co-founder and co-leader of Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas, did want peace? That was Sharon’s message.


Ariel Sharon died (essentially), and then Sharon protégé Ehud Olmert took over, continuing Sharon’s policy. In March 2006 “Mr Olmert said ‘we are in a perfect strategic understanding with the US’ on Mr [Mahmoud] Abbas.”[23] What does this mean? “Olmert and his colleagues portray Abbas as a central member of a camp of ‘moderates’ which includes the Saudis, the Egyptians, and the Jordanians,” explains the Jerusalem Post.[24] War is peace, freedom is slavery, and the repressive Saudi and Egyptian terrorist states are moderates (the quote is from July 2007 but it feels so much like “1984”). And Mahmoud Abbas must be a moderate, too, because this is the same Mahmoud Abbas who played a leading role masterminding the infamous 1972 Munich Massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes (an accusation the US government has publicly conceded),[25] and the same Mahmoud Abbas whom the very worst Fatah terrorists were most eager to see succeed Arafat at the head of Fatah.[26] Incidentally, this is also the same “Mohammed Abbas, ...one of Mr. Arafat’s closest deputies,” who acted as the “direct commander” of the PLO terrorists who hijacked the Italian ship Achille Lauro in 1985, as Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out in a 1985 New York Times editorial.[27] But no matter. The same “Binyamin Netanyahu,” in June 2007, “is urging that Jordanian troops help secure the West Bank. ...We have to shore up the Abbas government, he told reporters.”[28]


Despite the ever increasing violence that Fatah has been directing against ordinary Israelis, as we see, leaders of both ‘left’ and ‘right’ parties in Israel have apologized for this organization in order to justify giving it ever more power inside the Jewish state -- power that Fatah has used to murder innocent Jews (and Arabs).[29] Israelis are now bombarded with the old story that strengthening Fatah is the only way to stop the ‘true extremists’ in Hamas (though Fatah has in fact murdered more innocent Israelis than Hamas).[30]


Is this amazing? This is nothing! The entire Oslo process could have been stopped abruptly in its tracks before it started, and Israel made safe, if Israeli leaders had simply informed ordinary Israelis -- and Westerners -- of one very important fact: Al Fatah was produced by the leadership of the German Nazi Final Solution.


That’s right.

The Nazi origins of Al Fatah, and the silence of Israeli leaders on this question



Hajj Amin al Husseini was Mufti of Jerusalem in British Mandate Palestine in the early 20th c., and from this position organized several massive terrorist riots against innocent Jews, including torture to death of Jewish children. The last one of these, lasting from 1936 to 1939, was called the ‘Arab Revolt’ and made use of weapons provided by Adolf Hitler (it is worth pointing out that Husseini killed many more Arabs who disagreed with his policies during the ‘Arab Revolt’ than he did Jews). When World War II exploded, Husseini traveled to Berlin and met with Adolf Hitler on 30 November 1941. Though the Nazis had already killed several thousand Jews, historians are agreed that up until this time the Nazis were planning on expelling most of them from Europe. It was less than two months after the Husseini-Hitler meeting that the Nazi leadership decided, at the famous Wannsee Conference of January 1942, that they would kill every last Jew in Europe.[31]


Did Husseini convince Adolf Hitler?


At the time of the Husseini-Hitler meeting, it was Husseini who had some 20 years experience organizing mass murders of innocent Jews, and he had just organized the massive ‘Arab Revolt’ and also an Iraqi pogrom that had ended Jewish life in that country. So Husseini was the Jew-killer with the most experience and prestige; Hitler was just getting his sea legs. Supporting the view that the project to kill all the Jews was first Husseini's idea, we have the postwar testimony of Dieter Wisliceny, presented at Nuremberg and also at Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem. Wisliceny said that Husseini had been who argued most passionately for the project to kill all the Jews, and that he had been even more important than Adolf Eichmann as an instigator, planner, and overseer of the process that murdered the European Jewish population. Wisliceny was in a position to know: he was one of Adolf Eichmann’s chief lieutenants in the Final Solution. Adolf Eichmann is considered the great architect of that genocide. Wisliceny testified, however, that Hajj Amin al Husseini was not Eichmann's inferior; when there were differences of opinion, Wisliceny explained, it was Husseini's will that dominated.[31]


After the war, the British and French governments allowed Husseini to escape to Egypt, where, in the 1950s, he mentored Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, and other adolescents who became the nucleus of Al Fatah. The PLO -- a federation of anti-Israeli terrorists groups founded in 1964 -- was swallowed by Al Fatah in 1969-70. Since then, the PLO has essentially been Al Fatah.[31]


Talking about the German Nazi Final Solution without mentioning Hajj Amin al Husseini, creator of Al Fatah, is like talking about the Catholic Church without mentioning either Paul of Tarsus (Saint Paul) or the Pope, but most people -- including most Jews -- though they have heard about the Holocaust, cannot recognize Husseini’s name. And yet the documentation to establish what Husseini did has been publicly available for years, and a generation ago it was not the ‘secret’ it is today. Right after World War II the identity and Holocaust role of Hajj Amin al Husseini was common knowledge even among the general public, as revealed by efforts in the House of Commons to have him tried as a war criminal for his crimes against the Jews (blocked by the British government),[32] and by a massive 1948 demonstration in the streets of New York that gathered some 250,000 people from 100 different cities and 14 states. This demonstration was called to protest that the US and British governments were assisting the combined Arab attack against the Israeli Jews, an attack that Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League (a British creation), openly promised would be “a war of extermination and a momentous massacre.”[33] At this demonstration, Hajj Amin al Husseini, a leader of the 1948 attack, was denounced by name over the loudspeakers.[34]


Today, most people are not aware that a Palestinian Arab was the top architect of Adolf Hitler’s extermination of the European Jews, and that this Palestinian Arab later created Al Fatah (i.e. ‘the PLO’), the organization that has been rewarded with the diplomatic services of the United States and other major powers, and staunchly defended by the leaders of the Israeli government and Diaspora Jewish leaders. The reason most people don’t know this is that there has been a total media silence, and total Western government and Israeli government silence, about all this, to which I must add the silence of most academics. It is indeed perilous for academics to publish material on Husseini, as I found out when an article I published in Israel National News about Husseini's role in the Holocaust and as creator of Al Fatah got me fired from the University of Pennsylvania. It is this enforced silence on Husseini that made the Oslo ‘peace’ process possible when Israeli and Western leaders sold us the story that Fatah had supposedly reformed and now wanted peace, a story we never would have believed if we had been properly informed about the origins of Al Fatah in al Husseini’s Final Solution.


I have heard many wishful-thinking Jews put forward desperate arguments to explain the behavior of their leadership: that they were under pressure, that they honestly thought this was the way to achieve peace, that they wanted international recognition, that they were stupid... But these all collapse once it is understood that Al Fatah is the continuation of the project to exterminate the Jewish people. There simply is no honest argument for bringing the continuation of the most successful project in history to kill Jews into the Jewish state. And this explains why Israeli leaders have not been honest, and instead have kept silent, across the board, about the Nazi origins of Fatah/PLO.


But the question, then, is this:


Why have Israeli leaders -- of all people -- been cooperating with the effort to cover for Al Fatah in order to sell to the Israeli public a policy that brought this extension of the German Nazi Final Solution into -- of all places -- the Jewish state?


And an even more interesting question is this:


Why have supposed opponents of the Oslo process among Israeli leaders not demolished this process by simply exposing the Nazi origins of Al Fatah? Why have they become supporters of this process instead?


Today we can find some Israeli leaders criticizing the pro-Oslo policies of Ehud Olmert and the pro-Oslo proposals of Benjamin Netanyahu, but they likewise have not been explaining to Israelis the Nazi origins of Fatah/PLO.




I recently had the opportunity to pose this question to those running the Manhigut Yehudit ("Jewish Leadership") movement, which claims to be the largest faction within the Israeli Likud party.


I will come back to that. But first, a bit of context.


The Likud is a descendant of Menachem Begin’s Herut party, which in turn inherited the mantle of the Jabotinsky Revisionist Zionists. It was the Jabotinsky movement that defended the Jews in Europe who were being slaughtered in the Holocaust, and also the Jabotinsky movement that defended innocent Jews from the attacks of Arab terrorists in Palestine, whereas the Labor Zionists did just the opposite in both cases.[35] (If this is not the impression you have of the Jabotinsky movement you have probably been consuming a great deal of propaganda passing for history that the same Labor Establishment which brought the Fatah/PLO into Israel has been producing since the World War.) But the patriotic Jabotinsky tradition became a thing of the past in the Likud after Menachem Begin stepped down. The Likud prime ministers that followed -- Yitzhak Shamir, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Ariel Sharon -- all supported the process to bring Al Fatah into the Jewish state and give it ever more power, even if they sometimes postured as opponents.


The Manhigut Yehudit faction within the Likud has campaigned for the party leadership against Benjamin Netanyahu’s betrayal of Likud principles, and has promised to return this party to its roots -- for example, opposing the IDF cleansing of the Jews living in Gush Katif and the ‘unilateral disengagement’ from Gaza (without success). Feiglin says that he is


“looking for a unique state -- a vital, flourishing Jewish State. I want to settle Jews on every inch of land that falls into our hands. I want to establish an exemplary Jewish society that will be a moral model for the entire world -- a true ‘light unto the nations.’ ...I do not want peace. I want to defeat our enemies, drive them from our Land and fulfill our Jewish destiny. Peace will surely follow.”[36]


Feiglin says “I don’t want peace.” In other words, he doesn’t want an Oslo so-called ‘peace,’ which is to say negotiations with terrorists who merely speak the language of peace in order to achieve a better position from which to kill Jews. He wants a military solution against the terrorists. This is strong anti-Oslo rhetoric. But Israelis have been sold anti-Oslo rhetoric before only to find themselves, after voting for it, once again in the tight grasp of the suicidal Oslo process.


Recently, Rob Muchnick, in charge of public relations in the USA for Manhigut Yehudit, submitted an opinion piece penned by Moshe Feiglin for possible publication in Historical and Investigative Research. I replied that HIR -- though certainly not without opinions -- is not in the business of publishing opinion but research pieces, and that we do not endorse specific parties or candidates. But since we were talking, I ventured, how come even Moshe Feiglin was not explaining to ordinary Israelis about the Nazi origins of the PLO? What better way to defeat his pro-Oslo opponent Benjamin Netanyahu for the Likud leadership? What was the reason for Manhigut Yehudit’s silence on this most important issue to the survival of the Jewish people and state?

Manhihgut Yehudit’s leader Moshe Feiglin speaks out



After a few back and forth emails, Rob Muchnick asked me what I would do if I were running Feiglin’s campaign. I replied that since Feiglin is running against Netanyahu, who is strongly supporting Fatah/PLO, I would make the Nazi origins of Fatah the center of the campaign, because this ethically informs Israeli citizens of the danger they are in, and it puts supporters of the Oslo process on the defensive, thereby undermining their political support. Muchnick replied that he had presented my views to the Manhigut Yehudit leadership and that they were finding favor. There followed another email with the latest issue of the movement’s Shul Newsletter, sporting an article by candidate Moshe Feiglin. This article bears the title, “Here comes the Likud election!”, and contains the subheading, “But who are Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] and Fatah?” Below that subheading follows this important passage:


Even if one disregards Bibi [Netanyahu’s] blatant contravention of the Likud Charter in supporting the creation of another terror state in Israel, shouldn’t we take a look at Mahmoud Abbas (aka “Abu Mazen”) and his Fatah group? His Fatah has committed more terror acts than all the other terrorist groups combined (including Hamas) since the Oslo Accords were signed, so how can anyone say they are “moderate”? Abu Mazen is on record as stating that he’ll never give up the so-called “palestinian right of return” which would destroy Israel through demographics, and that he’ll never disarm any terror groups. He is also a co-author of the PLO’s 1974 “Phases” Plan for destroying Israel by taking what they can through negotiations prior to launching an all-out military assault to take the rest of Israel. It looks to anyone with their eyes open that he’s following his own plan. And where did that plan come from? Fatah was created by Hajj Amin al Husseini (Arafat’s mentor), top architect of Hitler’s German Nazi Final Solution. Just look at al Husseini with Hitler and look at how Abu Mazen salutes and speaks [there is a photograph of Husseini with Hitler and another of Mahmoud Abbas giving the Nazi salute] and you’ll clearly see that these moderates are just Nazis dressed up with platitudes for their western audience. But isn’t it the height of irresponsibility for any Israeli leader to bargain with men such as these? How can our opponents even consider it? How can they put Jewish lives at risk by trusting these men? What are they thinking?”[37]


Soon after this Manhigut Yehudit issued a press release in which it explained to its audience the Nazi origins of Fatah/PLO.[38]


Now that the long silence on Fatah origins has been pierced, perhaps other Israeli leaders who likewise claim to oppose the Oslo process, such as Arieh Eldad, will join Manhigut Yehudit in telling ordinary Israelis the truth: that Fatah/PLO is the continuation of the German Nazi Final Solution. Perhaps they will join Manhigut Yehudit in demanding that Oslo supporters explain their passionate support of Al Fatah. This will allow ordinary Israelis to make informed choices.


Informed choices are the basis of true political freedom, something Israelis have not tasted for a long time. 

To learn more about Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) and to read their plan for Israel's future, visit http://www.jewishisrael.org/

Manhigut Yehudit is the largest faction inside the Likud Party in Israel.  It strives to turn Israel from The State of the Jews into The Jewish State.

Contact:    Shmuel Sackett, International Director (516) 330-4922  (cell)

                Tova Abadi, Media Liaison:

                (917) 301-0997 (cell)      simplefaith2002@yahoo.com

©2006 Manhigut Yehudit    www.JewishIsrael.org    News@JewishIsrael.org
Phone: (516) 295-3222 Fax: (516) 295-9599 PO Box 241, Cedarhurst, NY 11516, USA