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What will be the consequences of voting in favor of a Palestinian State at the UN?

Historical and Investigative Research - 8 September 2012

Sooner or later, it seems, and probably sooner, the question of a Palestinian State will come up for a vote at the UN. At HIR we believe it is crucial that Western citizens understand what is at stake. What will the consequences be, if a Palestinian State is created in the territories of the West Bank and Gaza?

Many people believe it would be dangerous for such a state to be run by the Hamas organization, because this organization is quite vocal in calling for the extermination of the Israelis, and it is allied with Iran, whose president has stated publicly that Israel must be “wiped off the map.” Many of the same people appear to believe that a Palestinian State would be acceptable, however, if run by PLO/Fatah, currently the organization running the ‘Palestinian Authority’ government.

With permission from Enlace Judío, we share the following Powerpoint Presentation, which contains important documentation that can allow people to evaluate whether PLO/Fatah’s goals are different from those of Hamas, and whether, as many believe, it is independent of Iran.

Below is a list of articles that may be interesting for those who wish to explore further, after viewing the presentation.



Further Reading


Leaders Lied, Jews died: Why have Israeli leaders been lying to their fellow citizens about the PLO/Fatah?
Historical and Investigative Research - 10 July 2007
by Francisco Gil-White
(with the editorial assistance of Ted Belman, editor of Israpundit)

 PLO/Fatah's Nazi training was CIA-sponsored
Historical and Investigative Research - 22 July 2007
by Francisco Gil-White

 PLO/Fatah and Iran: The Special Relationship
Historical and Investigative Research - 25 May 2010
by Francisco Gil-White
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